
We developed Streamcredit to help all financial institutions eg. SACOS(Savings and Credit Organisations) and any money lending organisations to manage their business efficiently.

Some of the features of StreamCredit include:
Member mangagement Module

  • Member Registration
  • Capture membership fees,subscription fees, saving/shares,receipts etc
  • Add, alter or inactivate members
  • Loans Module
    This is the module that automates the loan application, repayment, interests, guarantees and guarantors. Its working is guided by the organizations by-laws.
    Features Include:

  • Loan application
  • Repayment schedule/ amortization
  • Loan repayments
  • Repayment schedule/ amortization
  • Checks all organization’s by laws before finalizing the application
  • Reporting Module
    A Module that avail all reports and statements in the system, which can be exported to other software applications like, excel, printed out, or view only.
    Statements including:

    • Member Account Statement
    • Member account mini statement
    • Loan repayment report
    • Early resettlement report
    • Defaulters report
    • All members report
    • Profit and loss statement
    • Sacco net worth statement
    • Balance sheet

    System Administration Module
    The system administrator has powers to regulate users and their activities on the system
    Features include:

  • Create, update, delete, suspend system users
  • Assign, Denial individual user permissions and roles
  • Monitor all system users via audit trail/ user activities log
  • Create, Update, Delete Business/ Organization details like address and letterhead
  • System database back up activities